(709) 944-3723 [email protected]

Join the Chamber

The Labrador West Chamber of Commerce offers businesses an affordable investment for annual membership. 


All businesses in the Region are eligible for membership; and you can join the Chamber at any point in the year for a 12-month period.  Membership renewals are pro-rated to May 31st and renewals are sent in June.

Members who renew their membership for 3 years will receive a 10% discount.

Note: If you have more than one business, the business with the largest number of employees is determined to be Primary business and the business(es) with fewer employees is/are determined to be Additional Business(es).  The Additional Business Rate is used for each Additional Business you have registered with the Chamber of Commerce.


Please complete the following membership application form.

You will be contacted by a representative from the Chamber office to complete your membership payment and registration within 24 hours during weekdays, applications submitted over the weekend will be responded to on Mondays.

Sign-up to become a member now!


Voting Rights

At any regular, special or general membership meeting, the making of a motion and voting on issues is limited to the voting delegate or appointed alternate.

*Additional voting rights can be obtained for a fee of $25.00/additional person.


A call for nominations for executive members is circulated to all Chamber members one month prior to the Annual General Meeting each year.  Individuals who are interested in becoming executive members may then submit their names for consideration.

Join the Labrador West Chamber of Commerce Today!

Connect with business owners in the region, promote your business and gain access to Chamber programs, member-only networking and training opportunities and events.

Gateway Labrador Building, 1365 Route 500,
Labrador City, Newfoundland and Labrador

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 273
Labrador City, NL
A2V 2K3

Telephone: (709) 944-3723
Fax: (709) 944-4699
E-mail: [email protected]

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